Common Things at Last

For now, nothing more than the public diary of an anonymous man, thinking a few things out.

Location: Midwest, United States

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Weather's Stopped

Ugh, we’re back to weather again, and its charms are now unavailing, as they get at this time of year. Starting around 7:30 AM today, I spent about thirty minutes this morning outside the DMV in a line, waiting to get in to get my license renewed. I finally bailed out when the line didn’t move in all that time. I’ll go back some evening, as some of these places are apparently open until 7:00, though they do not seem to post these times on the web (they had this fact posted outside). Last night was also bitterly cold. Far off in a northern suburb, my wife and I came gratefully out of a dull and sitcommy play that my cousin had a brief role in, into a dark parking lot collecting minute Dipping Dots from the sky. There followed the usual gasps of shock that it’s still so cold, fervent wishes for the advent of summer, or at least spring, and then what is becoming my perennial observation (if I ever have grandchildren, they’ll grow sick of hearing me say this, I think) that there’s a reason they say winter doesn’t end until March 21st.


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