Common Things at Last

For now, nothing more than the public diary of an anonymous man, thinking a few things out.

Location: Midwest, United States

Friday, March 21, 2008

An Answer

Was just rereading in my obsessive way the post I just put up (even though the point of that post is to be simply a bunch of unpolished notes), and read the final portion of the previous post: “‘What good is the truth if no one knows it?’ Good question.” I thought to myself, The truth doesn’t need to answer that question. The truth, whether we know it or not, is a good, it is good, it is the good, or at least a quality of the good. God needs us not, nor anything we can give Him, and if He exists He is the embodiment (embement? emisment? amment?) of truth, which is why Jesus gives no answer to Pilate when he asks, “What is truth?” Jesus gives no answer in the sense of taking action to provide one, but gives one in the sense that it is being given even as the question is asked: He is the Answer. Truth, at that point, stood before Pilate and Pilate asked Truth what He was and heard not nor saw not the Answer standing before him.



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