Common Things at Last

For now, nothing more than the public diary of an anonymous man, thinking a few things out.

Location: Midwest, United States

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Surgery Update

I should have posted something by now, but it's been a long, rather eventful week. My wife came out of the surgery ok, but there have been bunches of minor complications keeping her in the hospital, the most significant of which has been something called “ileus,” which has been described to us as a “sleepy bowel.” None of this seems to be life-threatening, and Hilgers has been very attentive to us with daily visits and sometimes multi-daily visits, but it’s been frustrating for my wife and me, and sometimes exhausting, as various issues, such as a diuretic and a nutriment-filled IV have kept her (and therefore me) up half the night with regular urination – as often as every half hour. Anyway, my dad has come into town to spend some time with me, so my wife has released me to go to a steak house for a martini and a t-bone in an hour or so, and I need to take a shower. I will update the blog tomorrow with much more in the way of detail, as my wife and I have recorded many of the events.

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