Common Things at Last

For now, nothing more than the public diary of an anonymous man, thinking a few things out.

Location: Midwest, United States

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Trying To Be Franklin, or Ignatius

So have I followed my plan? Let's see, for Step A, I was to

Drop off yesterday's tardy sheet to office,
Read e-mails from parents,
Listen to voice-mail messages,
Respond to all messages.

I did numbers 1, 2, and as much of 4 as possible without doing 3. For Step B, I was to

Grade as much as possible,
Eat lunch.

I did number 2, but not number 1, in part because I have to sub on Wednesdays and hoped to do a bit of preparation for period 6. (Preparation? Are we supposed to do that?) For Step C, I was to

Grade as much as possible.

Instead, I have read my e-mail, surfed superficially through Blogger (via the [Next Blog] button), and written this. I have some 19 minutes left in which to grade as much as possible. For D, I am required to

Finish responding to parent e-mails.

I have already done that, so I'll try to get myself grading. Tonight are scheduled two things: dinner with my wife and a friend before they go to see Robyn Hitchcock, an entertainer I find less than entertaining, and a few hours at our local pancake house chain, where I will grade all the tests that have yet to be graded. Then it is on to the papers, which may be fairly entertaining, as they are short stories.

I got a tiny bit of my required reading done last night, but after getting home from school we decided to go vote (thereby cancelling each other out) and have a bite to eat. Once back at home, with a few necessary tasks done, and a bit of ephemera read out of Rolling Stone (they think Borat is funny, and a telling critique of us warmongering rubes), I started reading. But I made the mistake of reading in bed, and that led to sleep. Perhaps tonight. 10 minutes left.



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